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We aim to better understand, diagnose and treat heart and vascular disease through our extensive cutting edge research programmes. We have a particular focus on understanding disease mechanisms and on new approaches to stratifying patients. Our expertise encompasses genetic studies to identify causative and risk genes, cardiovascular physiology and cellular biology to understand health and disease, the development and application of advanced imaging, experimental medicine and clinical trials.

'Go with the flow' captures the blood flowing within an adult heart frozen in time. It won the 2016 Reflections on Research competition, run by the British Heart Foundation. © Victoria Stoll, Oxford
'Go with the flow' captures the blood flowing within an adult heart frozen in time. It won the 2016 Reflections on Research competition, run by the British Heart Foundation.

Our research integrates basic and clinical research to maximise patient benefit. This theme incorporates three state of the art clinical research facilities – the Clinical Cardiovascular Research Facility, the Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research and the Acute Vascular Imaging Centre. Combined, these facilities give us a comprehensive view of cardiovascular physiology, metabolism and function in health and disease.

Our researchers lead the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre's Cardiovascular Theme and the British Heart Foundation's Centre for Research Excellence, as well as being  key collaborators in the British Heart Foundation's Centre for Regenerative Medicine, widening opportunities for collaboration.

Groups within this theme

BHF Centres

The BHF Centre of Research Excellence (BHF CRE) in Oxford brings together over 60 world leading clinical and basic science research groups, based in departments across the University of Oxford.

The Oxbridge BHF Centre of Regenerative Medicine (BHF CRM) brings together 26 world leading basic and translational research groups (13 based in Oxford, 12 based in Cambridge, and one based in Bristol) merging significant expertise in cardiovascular repair and regeneration (Oxford), wound healing (Bristol), with a major focus on stem cells (ESCs and iPSCs) and genetics in the context of regeneration (Cambridge).