Jiandong Huo
A bit about yourself
I was born in China. After completing an undergraduate degree in Medical Microbiology & Immunology at Newcastle University, I joined the T-cellbiology group at WIMM in 2008 to start my DPhil, funded by the Clarendon Fund and a Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine (NDM) Research Grant.
Summarise the research in your DPhil/PhD
My DPhil work focused on investigating the first stage of the intracellular signalling network in T cells, i.e. the binding of SH2-domain containing proteins to the phosphorylated cytoplasmic tails of cell surface receptors.
About your current job, and the path you took to get there
After the completion of my DPhil studies and postdoctoral work in the T-cell biology group, I started to look for a new position in an industrial sector. I am now working in a biotechnology company called Immunocore as a senior scientist. I am involved in the development of a new class of immunotherapeutic drugs based on T cell receptor (TCR) technology.
About what helped you/how you decided to get into this area
Immunotherapy has become a very promising approach to the cure of many challenging diseases, such as cancers and infections diseases. My previous study and research experience in the T-cell biology group has allowed me to acquire the essential knowledge as well as skills and techniques to work in this area. I am really pleased that I am able to contribute to helping those suffering from extreme diseases.