Analysis of the gamma/delta T cell restricted antigen WC1.
Crocker G., Sopp P., Parsons K., Davis WC., Howard CJ.
The nine antibodies (mAbs) which clustered with the standard WC1 mAb CC15 in temporary cluster TC22 were analysed by immunoprecipitation, flow cytometry and immunohistology. Two forms of the molecule, with molecular weights of 205 and 215 kDa, were identified by immunoprecipitation and SDS-PAGE, the expression of which correlated with subclusters generated by flow cytometric analysis. Immunohistological data, however, did not reveal any tissue specific distribution. We propose the existence of at least two isoforms of WC1 which may prove to identify subpopulations of CD2- CD4- CD8- gamma/delta T cells.