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Data on loci whose positions are known in both man and mouse are presented in the form of chromosomal displays, a table, and autosomal and X-chromosomal grids. At least 40 conserved autosomal segments with two or more loci, as well as 17 homologous X-linked loci, are now known in the two species, in which mitochondrial DNA is also highly conserved. Apart from the Y, the only chromosome now lacking a conserved group is human 13. Human 17 has a single conserved group which includes both short and long arms, and so may have remained largely intact in mammalian evolution. Human and mouse chromosomal maps show the approximate locations of homologous genes while the mouse map also shows the positions of translocations used in gene location.




Publication Date





3 - 18


Animals, Base Sequence, Chromosome Banding, Chromosome Mapping, Genetic Linkage, Humans, Karyotyping, Mice, Sequence Homology, Nucleic Acid, X Chromosome