Congratulations to the following researchers who won our Poster Prizes:
Student Prize
First Place – Tiong Kit Tan (Gill group, NDCLS) for their work on the ‘Development of recombinant adeno-associated viral vector for passive immunisation against Ebola’.
Joint Second– Alex Hamilton (Rorsman group, OCDEM) for their poster on ‘Acetylcholine stimulates alpha cells via both muscarinic and nicotinic pathways’
Joint Second – Julia Truch (Gibbons group, WIMM-NDCLS) for their work on the ‘Characterisation of genes affected by ATRX mutations’
Tiong Kit Tan receiving his award
Non-student Prize
First Place – Dr Kate Lines (Thakker group, OCDEM), for her poster entitled ‘microRNA miR-3156-5p is downregulated in serum of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 patients, and regulates expression of mortality factor4-like protein 2’
2nd place – Claudia Guida (Ramracheya group, OCDEM), for her poster entitled ‘PYY modulates pancreatic islet secretory function and acts as a DPP-IV substrate to regulate insulin secretion’
3rd place – Yvonne Couch (Buchan group, IMD), for her poster entitled ‘Inflammatory stroke extracellular vesicles induce macrophage activation’