Noëlle Obers
MEd (Rhodes University)
Research Grants Facilitator
I am the Research Grants Facilitator at the MRC Weatherall Institute for Molecular Medicine (WIMM). My role is to support research, primarily pre-award and funding activities. I manage the administrative processes involved in identifying, applying for, securing and setting up external research funds. I am the main source of contact for WIMM NDCLS researchers wishing to submit funding proposals. I work closely with the Finance and HR team at WIMM and I report to Elizabeth Smethurst, the Deputy Institute Administrator.
In 2020, I relocated to the UK from South Africa where I had worked in research management at Rhodes University. For twelve years I was part of a strong research management team and worked directly with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation as Manager: Research and Development Projects.
During my early years at Rhodes University, I completed a masters in higher education studies focusing on the research career challenges faced by women academics. I have a keen interest in helping early career researchers develop their research trajectories.
Recent publications
Career success for women academics in higher education: Choices and challenges
OBERS N., (2023), South African Journal of Higher Education
Influential structures: understanding the role of the head of department in relation to women academics’ research careers
Obers N., (2015), Higher Education Research and Development, 34, 1220 - 1232