Magnet Safety Training
MRI scanning uses extremely strong magnets to generate images of the human body. The MRI procedure is completely safe, providing that appropriate precautions are taken. However, there are potential hazards associated with MR, most notably accidents that can occur when ferromagnetic material is taken into the magnet room. Ferromagnetic matieral can include keys, watches, pens, coins, or certain types of medical implants that a subject or researcher may have in their body.
It is therefore essential that researchers who work with MRI are aware of the potential risks, and the centre's procedures for minimising these risks. These topics are covered in our magnet safety sessions.
We require that researchers and staff attend a magnet safety training session every year. Swipe access to OCMR is contingent on magnet safety being attended and annually updated.
You should receive an email update when your magnet safety is due to expire, so you can plan to attend an upcoming session. If you have not received these 'alert' emails but would like to, please contact Kathryn Lacey.
When are magnet safety sessions held?
Currently, magnet safety sessions are run at the following times:
On the second Wednesday of the month - At FMRIB annex, 10:30am, in the Red meeting room.
On the last Thursday of the month - At OCMR, 10.00am, in the OCMR seminar room.
**Please note that occasionally session times will change due to e.g. annual leave or other events**
FMRIB magnet safety sessions are provided by Michael Sanders, and OCMR sessions are provided by Rebecca Mills. FMRIB's upcoming magnet safety sessions can be viewed here, if you have a FMRIB account; alternatively email session providers by clicking their names, above.