Inherited Heart Disease Service
- Division of Cardiovascular Medicine
We make about 1600 patient contacts a year with those who have, or are at risk of having, an Inherited Cardiac Condition (eg cardiomyopathies and inherited arrhythmias) across all age ranges. We provide cardiology screening (ECG, Echocardiography) and clinical genetics during an initial single clinic visit, and provide telephone and e-mail support throughout the working week. We have made internationally recognised contributions in this area, in particular the use of cardiac MRI in diagnosis, and understanding of the underlying genetic basis of Inherited Cardiac Conditions.
This includes trying to identify new genetic causes of such conditions in families where a genetic cause is possible, but not yet known. We actively recruit patients and families to the 100, 000 Genomes Project
All members of the clinic are members of the Association of Inherited Cardiac Conditions clinic, and participate in the Genomes England Clinical Interpretation Panel (GECIP) for cardiovascular conditions. Prof Watkins contributes to international guidelines on the diagnosis and management of Inherited Cardiac disease.
We work closely with the clinical genetics department and NHS molecular genetics lab, the mitochondrial diseases unit led by Prof Jo Poulton and the paediatric cardiology department.
We offer an integrated outpatient cardiology and genetics service for families affected by inherited cardiac conditions. Children are scanned by the paediatric cardiology team. We have made significant contributions in this area through our world class research activities and long standing commitment to high standard clinical care.
Ongoing projects range from advanced imaging in clinical studies to basic discovery science relating to the mechanism of disease. We are grateful to the sustained, and significant, contributions received from funding bodies such as the British Heart Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre.
Contact Details
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine
Level 6, West Wing, John Radcliffe Hospital,
Oxford, OX3 9DU
Specialist Nurse: (01865) 234675
Genetic Counsellor: (01865) 226041
Clinic Secretary: (01865) 234674
Feedback from Patients
“I have to say, the staff for all three appointments were fantastic and efficient”
“I am very moved by the care and professionalism that came my way”
“Thank you also for your time and sensitive handling of this, very impressive!”
“May I take this opportunity to offer my utmost thanks and gratitude”
“if there is someone in the hospital that we can write to, to sing the praises of the Cardiomyopathy and Inherited diseases team , then please let me know as you all really deserve it”
“You’re a wonderful team and I would like to thank you all for looking after my son (and the rest of my family) so well”.