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The RDM Research Strategy and Funding team has earlier departmental deadlines for internal funding opportunities to coordinate and support all applications being submitted through the department.

what is internal funding?

Within the University, there are several pots of money that provide career and research support. It is important to identify which funding stream fits with your research, your career stage and the scale of your project.

why should I apply for internal funding?

Internal funding is a great way for early career researchers to begin applying for independent money and practice writing grant applications.

For many researchers, applying for internal funding is the first time they will have had to write a grant application. Consequently, within RDM, we run an internal review process for several funding streams, which aims to strengthen applications before they are submitted. Applications are read by an internal panel consisting of RDM PIs across the department and you will receive anonymised comments/feedback on your application, enabling you to strengthen your application prior to submission.

why is there an earlier rdm internal deadline?

For most internal funding, there is an earlier RDM deadline. This gives us time to:

  • Internally review applications, and send feedback to the applicants that will hopefully strengthen their application prior to submitting.
  • For applications we do not internally review, it provides us with time to read the application, approve it and submit it to the funder.

RDM internal deadlines (listed below) are strictly adhered to.

what is the internal research award management system (IRAMS)?

The University and Medical Sciences Division (MSD) use the Internal Research Award Management System (IRAMS) for several internal grant applications and University co-ordinated bids. All applicants must have an ORCID ID when applying through IRAMS. This can be applied for on the University website here.

When completing your application in IRAMS, in the field called ‘Form editors’ please add the name and details of your local divisional administrator and all of the RDM Research Strategy and Funding team. You will need their SSO IDs (you can find this in Outlook listed under ‘Alias’, when you look up the Outlook properties of the contact). 

When you hit submit on IRAMS, your application is sent to the RDM Research Strategy and Funding Team for departmental approval. All applications made via IRAMS will have an earlier RDM deadline.

where can I find internal funding opportunities?

Information on internal funding can be found on the MSD website and in the RDM Weekly Bulletin.

Please contact if you have any questions about funding schemes or eligibility.

upcoming rdm internal deadlines

Scheme Submit via... Next RDM internal deadline Future RDM internal deadline
MSD Bridging Salary Scheme IRAMS



12 May 2025 (midday)

John Fell Fund (JFF) IRAMS 22 January 2025 (midday) TBC
Medical Sciences Internal Fund (MSIF) IRAMS 5 February 2025 (midday) TBC
Medical and Life Sciences Translational Fund (MLSTF) IRAMS

17 February 2025 (midday)

Returning Carers' Fund Contact the RDM Research Strategy and Funding team

21 February 2025 (midday)

30 May 2025 (midday)
The Lockey Fund IRAMS

28 February 2025 (midday)

6 June 2025 (midday)