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Beatriz Hirt-Font

Executive Co-ordinator and Assistant to the Director of the MRC Molecular Haematology Unit

I provide executive support to KJ Patel, Chief Scientist of Cancer Research, Director of the MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine and Director of the MRC Molecular Haematology Unit. Additionally, I assist Ross Chapman, CRUK Senior Cancer Research Fellow, Lister Fellow & Head of the Genome Integrity Laboratory, and Ronjon Chakraverty, Professor of Haematology.

Prior to this, I spent three years working for a pharmaceutical company. We coordinated, submitted, and published numerous manuscripts across various therapeutic fields, namely obesity and diabetes but also focused on early-onset Alzheimer’s, and non-small cell lung cancer.

In my free time you will probably find me scuba diving (or dreaming of diving), frolicking in parks with a book and vino, painting, cooking up new recipes, and planning my next trip (Galapagos perhaps).