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BACKGROUND: Prevention of iron deficiency in African children is a public health priority. Current WHO/FAO estimations of iron requirements are derived from factorial estimates based on healthy, iron-sufficient "model" children using data derived mainly from adults. OBJECTIVES: In this study, we aimed to quantify iron absorption, loss, and balance in apparently healthy 5- to 7-y-old children living in rural Africa. METHODS: We directly measured long-term iron absorption and iron loss in a 2-y observational study in Malawian children (n = 48) using a novel stable iron isotope method. RESULTS: Of the 36 children with height-for-age and weight-for-age z scores ≥-2, 13 (36%) were iron deficient (soluble transferrin receptor >8.3 mg/L) and 23 were iron sufficient. Iron-deficient children weighed more than iron-sufficient children [mean difference (95% CI): +2.1 (1.4, 2.7) kg; P = 0.01]. Mean iron losses did not differ significantly between iron-deficient and iron-sufficient children and were comparable to WHO/FAO median estimates of 19 µg/(d × kg). In iron-sufficient children, median (95% CI) dietary iron absorption was 32 (28, 34) µg/(d × kg), comparable to WHO/FAO-estimated median requirements of 32 µg/(d × kg). In iron-deficient children, absorption of 28 (25, 30) µg/(d × kg) was not increased to correct their iron deficit, likely because of a lack of bioavailable dietary iron. Twelve children (25%) were undernourished (underweight, stunted, or both). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that WHO/FAO iron requirements are adequate for healthy iron-sufficient children in this rural area of Malawi, but iron-deficient children require additional bioavailable iron to correct their iron deficit.

Original publication





Am J Clin Nutr

Publication Date





986 - 996


Malawi, iron absorption, iron balance, iron loss, iron requirements, school-aged children, stable iron isotopes, Anemia, Iron-Deficiency, Child, Child, Preschool, Female, Humans, Iron, Iron Isotopes, Malawi, Male, Nutritional Requirements