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It is compulsory for all RDM staff to complete the training courses below.

Equality and Diversity 

This online briefing introduces you to what equality and diversity mean and why they are so important both to the University and to you as an individual. It provides an overview of the legislation, your rights and responsibilities, and guidelines for ensuring that equality and diversity are embedded in your work.

Equality and Diversity Briefing

Implicit Bias

This online course gives you an understanding of implicit bias and its impact in the workplace, and helps you to develop techniques for countering bias based on stereotypes.

Implicit Bias Course

Information Security and Data Protection

The training is designed to help you keep yourself, and the University's data, secure and be an engaging experience, using animations and quizzes. This course needs to be undertaken annually.

Information Security and Data Protection

Bullying and Harassment

The Bullying and Harassment Training for Employees online course has been created to help everyone to identify, prevent and tackle bullying and harassment, with the aim of removing it from the workplace altogether and creating a respectful, inclusive culture in the workplace.

It aims to provide practical steps and conscientious guidance on what to do if you identify bullying behaviour and decide to take action.

We ask that you complete this course every three years.

Bullying and Harassment

Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

Individuals can use the University's DSE Self-Assessment programme to report ongoing problems or identify ways to change their use of DSE in order to reduce the risk of problems developing.

DSE self-assessment


This course is not mandatory for staff and students, but is strongly recommended:

Action Counters Terrorism

The Action Counters Terrorism Awareness e-learning provides nationally accredited, corporate counter terrorism guidance for UK organisations to better understand and mitigate against current terrorist methodology. 

Action Counters Terrorism