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Previous linkage studies in X-linked spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (SEDL) placed the gene in the region Xp22.2-p22.1 by linkage to DXS41. Here we have extended our earlier studies by analyzing 15 families with 13 markers from the Xp22 region. Pairwise linkage analysis revealed significant linkage of the SEDL to 8 markers from the Xp22.2-Xp22.1 region. Maximum lod scores were obtained with DXS207, tau max = 9.16 at theta max = 0.021 with confidence limits of 0.00-0.09, and DXS197, tau max = 7.98 at theta max = 0.00 with confidence limits of 0.00-0.06. The study of one recombinant in family 4 indicated that DXS 41 is more likely proximal to DXS92 than distal. Multipoint linkage results and analysis of recombination events indicated that the mutation responsible for SEDL is located in Xp22 between DXS 16 and DXS 92.




Publication Date





100 - 104


Chromosome Mapping, Female, Genetic Linkage, Humans, Linkage Disequilibrium, Male, Osteochondrodysplasias, Pedigree, Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length, Recombination, Genetic, X Chromosome