Ultrastructural studies on the sporulation of oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii. II. Formation of the sporocyst and structure of the sporocyst wall.
Ferguson DJ., Birch-Andersen A., Siim JC., Hutchison WM.
The ultrastructural changes observed during sporocyst formation and the structure of the sporocyst wall was examined in oocysts which had been allowed to sporulate for between 12 and 48 hours at 27 degrees C. As the spherical sporoblast developed into the sporocyst the cytoplasmic mass became ellipsoidal in shape although no change was noted in the organelle compliment, which cosisted of two nuclei plus a number of polysaccharide granules, lipid globules, mitochondria, Golgi bodies, and some rough endoplasmic reticulum. The sporocyst wall consisted of a thin outer layer (15-20 nm) which was formed from two limiting membranes of the sporoblast and an inner layer (40-50 nm) which was comprised of four curved plates. This inner layer was formed under the outer layer and, although no specific cytoplasmic organelle disappeared with its formation, some unit membranes were observed close to the plasmalemma during its formation. Each curved plate has a marginal swelling and an interposing strip of material is present between the margins of adjacent plates. The plates are joined to the interposing strip by a thin band of osmiophilic material. In oblique and tangential sections through the plates two types of cross banding were observed which differed in periodicity.