Effects of the calcium channel blockers Dotarizine and Flunarizine on cerebrovascular reactivity.
Czernicki Z., Jurkiewicz J., Bojanowski K., Piechnik S., Cervos-Navarro J.
Dotarizine and Flunarizine are piperazine derivatives considered to be effective compounds for the treatment of various cerebrovascular disorders. In the present study the influence of these two drugs on changes in cerebral vessel diameter and blood flow velocity were measured and compared utilising transcranial Doppler sonography during hyperventilation in anaesthetized cats. Drugs were administered in 15 min intravenous infusions at a dose of 0.05 mg/kg/min. This investigation revealed that the 15 min intravenous administration of both compounds abolished the cerebral vasoconstrictor effects of hyperventilation and due to vasodilator effects they increased blood flow velocity to initial values. No statistically significant differences were found between the vasodilator effects of Dotarizine and Flunarizine. Results obtained suggest that Dotarizine, a novel piperazine derivative, has similar vasodilator and Ca2+ channel blocking effects on cerebrovascular reactivity compared to the widely clinically applied Flunarizine.