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This study aims to investigate the associations of maternal-fetal demographic information (age, gestational age, and body mass index (BMI)) and heart rate variability with their cardiac coupling mechanisms during pregnancy. Coupling was determined from one-minute maternal-fetal electrocardio-graphy (ECG) signals in 172 pregnant women using phase coherence (λ) calculations. Accordingly, variables such as gestational age, maternal BMI, and maternal-fetal heart rate were found significant (p-value < 0.05) in discriminating between [1:2], [2:3], and [3:5] coupling scenarios. The results suggest the importance of maternal-fetal parameters and ECG recordings in the assessment of fetal well-being during pregnancy. Clinical Relevance-The maternal psychophysiological states are highly correlated with the fetal cardiac system. Accurate characterization of this correlation leads to better clinical assessment protocols and treatment plans to prevent many stillbirth cases

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Conference paper

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