The CDC is chaired by Professor Leanne Hodson, Associate Professor of Diabetes and Metabolism (OCDEM). The CDC membership is balanced across the Divisions within RDM and also represents people from all staff grouping within the Department - list of CDC members. It also has a representative from each of the Career groups from the Divisions:
- Vanessa Ferreria represents the CVM Early Career Researcher group
- Tom Milne represents the WIMM Postdoc Committee
- Laura Gathercole represents the OCDEM Senior Academic Faculty
By structuring the CDC in this way, we hope that local ideas and priorities will be fed up to the CDC. Alternatively, if you have any questions or ideas for the CDC, please feel free to email them to The first meeting of the CDC was held in September 2015 and the committee plans to meet 5 -6 times per year. Minutes from the meetings will be made available on the RDM website.