Publisher Correction: Semaphorin 3A causes immune suppression by inducing cytoskeletal paralysis in tumour-specific CD8+ T cells.
Barnkob MB. et al, (2024), Nat Commun, 15
Semmaphorin 3 A causes immune suppression by inducing cytoskeletal paralysis in tumour-specific CD8+ T cells.
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Distinct actin cytoskeleton behaviour in primary and immortalised T-cells.
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Spatiotemporally Super-Resolved Volumetric Traction Force Microscopy.
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Cytoskeletal Control of Antigen-Dependent T Cell Activation.
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Semaphorin 3A induces cytoskeletal paralysis in tumor-specific CD8+ T cells
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Cytoskeletal actin dynamics shape a ramifying actin network underpinning immunological synapse formation.
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