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Mast cell-derived BH4 and serotonin are critical mediators of postoperative pain.

Journal article

Starkl P. et al, (2024), Sci Immunol, 9

Safety in spinal surgery—Empowering clinicians to report concerns in motor function

Journal article

Burrows J. et al, (2024), Journal of Advanced Nursing

Artificial intelligence in cardiovascular medicine: clinical applications.

Journal article

Lüscher TF. et al, (2024), Eur Heart J

The iron curve: infection at both ends.

Journal article

Drakesmith H. and Zoller H., (2024), Blood, 144, 679 - 680

Glycated haemoglobin is a major predictor of disease severity in patients with NAFLD.

Journal article

Colosimo S. et al, (2024), Diabetes Res Clin Pract

PITX2 deficiency leads to atrial mitochondrial dysfunction

Journal article

Reyat JS. et al, (2024), Cardiovascular Research

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