FAQs about participating
Why might I have been invited to take part?
Answer We are aiming to see 4000 patients registered with GPs throughout Oxfordshire. You might be chosen because you are registered with a GP practice which is collaborating in the study, if you are aged 65 years or above and have not been previously diagnosed with VHD.
If I am invited do I have to take part?
Answer The study is designed to cause minimal inconvenience to you. It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you decide to take part, you are free to withdraw consent at any time without giving a reason. This would not affect the standard of medical care you receive. If you decide that you no longer wish to continue with the study, we would like to retain any data already obtained about you, unless you request otherwise.
What will happen if I agree to take part?
Answer You will take part in at least one research visit (Visit 1) held at your local GP practice. Approximately 5 years after your first visit, we will invite you to take part in a Phase Two follow-up to be held at your GP Surgery, this will take around 60-90 minutes. If you would like full details of what is involved in the study, please read the Patient Information Leaflet.
Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?
Answer Yes. We will follow ethical and legal practice and all information about you will be handled in confidence. No personal data will be published at any time and your confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us. Data will be held in secure databases to which only authorised people will have access. For full information about the OxVALVE study, please read the Participant Information Leaflet.
Am I too old for the OxVALVE study?
Answer Our oldest patient (so far) was 95 years, 1 month and 14 days old on the day he visited the OxValve Study at his local health centre. The oldest female participant (so far) was 95 years and 16 days old. The youngest patient attended on the morning of his 65th birthday. The youngest female participant was 65 years and 1 day old.