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Close up of Stethoscope with Glucose meter for check blood sugar level, lancet, tape measure and green vegetable fresh tomato, cucumber coriander and spring onion.

The Reversal of Type 2 diabetes Upon Normalisation of Energy intake in the non-obese (ReTUNEstudy, funded by Diabetes UK, was designed to test the Personal Fat Threshold hypothesis first proposed by Professors Roy Taylor (Newcastle University) and Rury Holman (Clin Sci [Lond]. 2015;128:405-410).

ReTUNE postulated that the mechanistic changes underpinning weight loss-induced remission of type 2 diabetes in people with a body mass index <27kg/m2 would be the same as those observed previously in people with a body mass index >27kg/m2.

The primary results of the ReTUNE study (Clin Sci [Lond]. 2023;137:1333-1346) confirm for the first time that non-obese people with type 2 diabetes can be supported to put their type 2 diabetes into remission through a structured low-calorie diet, and that the key to this is losing harmful fat from the liver and pancreas. Professors Taylor and Holman concluded that type 2 diabetes occurs if a person exceeds their personal fat threshold and becomes too heavy for their own constitution, irrespective of their body mass index.

Access the recently published paper here.