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PURPOSE:To demonstrate that vessel selectivity in dynamic arterial spin labeling angiography can be achieved without any scan-time penalty or noticeable loss of image quality compared with conventional arterial spin labeling angiography. METHODS:Simulations on a numerical phantom were used to assess whether the increased sparsity of vessel-encoded angiograms compared with non-vessel-encoded angiograms alone can improve reconstruction results in a compressed-sensing framework. Further simulations were performed to study whether the difference in relative sparsity between nonselective and vessel-selective dynamic angiograms was sufficient to achieve similar image quality at matched scan times in the presence of noise. Finally, data were acquired from 5 healthy volunteers to validate the technique in vivo. All data, both simulated and in vivo, were sampled in 2D using a golden-angle radial trajectory and reconstructed by enforcing image domain sparsity and temporal smoothness on the angiograms in a parallel imaging and compressed-sensing framework. RESULTS:Relative sparsity was established as a primary factor governing the reconstruction fidelity. Using the proposed reconstruction scheme, differences between vessel-selective and nonselective angiography were negligible compared with the dominant factor of total scan time in both simulations and in vivo experiments at acceleration factors up to R = 34. The reconstruction quality was not heavily dependent on hand-tuning the parameters of the reconstruction. CONCLUSION:The increase in relative sparsity of vessel-selective angiograms compared with nonselective angiograms can be leveraged to achieve higher acceleration without loss of image quality, resulting in the acquisition of vessel-selective information at no scan-time cost.

Original publication





Magnetic resonance in medicine

Publication Date



Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, FMRIB, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.