Message from Gavin Screaton (Head of the Medical Sciences Division)
I am delighted to announce that the selection process for the next of Head of Department has concluded and that I have appointed Professor Keith Channon as the next Head of RDM, on behalf of the Medical Sciences Board with effect 1 April 2022.
I want to thank Hugh Watkins for all he has done to nurture and lead the Radcliffe Department of Medicine over the last 10 years. Leading a newly formed Department is not an easy task and he has done it exceptionally well and the Department and University has a lot to be grateful to him for. We wish him all the best as he takes on his next big challenge.
I, and the selection panel, have no doubt Keith will make an excellent successor to Hugh. I am sure Keith and Hugh will update you further on the precise details of the transition and I know that you will support them both over the coming months.
Best wishes
Gavin Screaton
Head, Medical Sciences Division