RDM Intermediate Fellowship Framework
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What are intermediate fellowships?
Intermediate fellowships support researchers to start their independent research programme and group (e.g. UKRI Future Leader Fellowship, MRC Career Development Award, Wellcome Career Development Award, CRUK Career Development Fellowship, BHF Intermediate Basic Science Fellowship, ERC Starting grant).
How will the Department support me?
RDM is committed to supporting people throughout the fellowship life-cycle by:
- supporting researchers to apply for intermediate fellowships
- supporting Intermediate Fellows during their fellowships by providing a mid-point progress review
- supporting Fellows (a) to transition to more senior positions, or (b) in pursuing other career goals at the end of their fellowship
Applying for intermediate fellowships
If you want to apply for an intermediate fellowship to pursue an academic career in RDM, you should submit an expression of interest for review by RDM's Academic Career Panel. There are three deadlines each year. You should submit your EoI at least 3 months before the funder's deadline.
Mid-term intermediate fellowship review
All Intermediate Fellows will be provided with a review at the mid-point of their fellowship, or at least two years before the end of the fellowship. The review will be conducted by the Academic Career Panel.
The review will be an opportunity to provide feedback and mentoring, and to identify areas for targeted support to help all Fellows maximise their career potential, whether it be within the Department, in another research organisation or in other career paths.
The review will assess (appropriate to the field of research, career path and stage) the Fellow's:
- Contribution to knowledge: Measured by the quality and impact and track record of the Fellow's research outputs (publications, grants, patents, invited lectures, awards, honours etc) and track record of successful grant funding, appropriate for the chosen field
- Contribution to the development of others: Measured by their leadership and commitment to developing the students and staff working within their research programme, by teaching, supervising graduate students, mentoring postdocs, collaborations and supporting the training and continuing professional development of staff and students etc
- Contribution to the research community both local (measured by participation in departmental, institutional, divisional or University committees, panels, working groups, internal peer review activity, involvement in EDI and research culture initiatives) and global (reviewing grants/papers, conference organising committees, national/international committees, advisory roles etc)
- Contribution to broader society (public engagement, PPIE, policy)
- Continuing professional development through evidence of their training and development activities.
The review will also assess:
- whether the fellow's needs are being met and if unmet needs are identified discuss and provide advice on how this could be addressed. Identify any obstacles and help the fellow consider how these might be overcome.
- The Fellow's future plans and alignment to RDM's strategic priorities.
Preparation for the mid-point progress review
The Fellow will provide a mid-point progress review report which will include:
- A summary of progress on their current fellowship
- A completed mid-point progress review template which includes: track record of research outputs, grant funding, teaching/supervision, citizenship activities and public engagement/PPIE activities; a learning and development log; future plans
- CV
The mid-point review meeting will normally be in person and last approximately 90 minutes:
- The Fellow will give a 30-minute presentation about the progress of their fellowship
- There will be 45 minutes for discussion between the Fellow and the panel
- There will be 15 minutes for the panel to summarise their conclusions, feedback and any recommendations
The Fellow will receive written feedback after the meeting with any recommendations for further action.
Support for an academic career in RDM
If the review identifies that the Fellow is on a trajectory that will enable them to further develop their research programme and become an internationally recognised research leader in RDM, and this is their preferred career path, the Department will:
- offer the Fellow an externally funded open-ended contract as soon as possible after the review.
- guarantee that the Fellow will receive a transition fellowship for up to a maximum of two-year at the end of their intermediate fellowship to support them to apply for a senior fellowship. The transition fellowship, if required, would cover the Fellow's salary, it would not cover any research costs or other staff costs.
If the review finds that the Fellow is not yet on that trajectory but may move towards it in the next 6-12 months, then the Fellow may return to the Academic Career Panel within that timeframe for further review.
Support for other career options
Not all Fellows will want, or indeed can have, an academic career in RDM. The mid-point review also provides an opportunity for Fellows to discuss other career options such as other roles in the Department, in another research organisation or in other career paths.
There is the opportunity to have a constructive and supportive discussion with the Fellow about the suitability and feasibility of their chosen career path including the likelihood of the Department's longer-term support. The review will provide feedback, and identify areas for targeted support to help the Fellow maximise their career potential in other career paths.