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This workshop will introduce participants to the role and benefits of coaching, and when and how coaching skills can be used to support effective line management practice. This workshop forms part of the ‘Management and Supervision’ strand of the RDM Learning and Development Programme. Places are limited to 25.

Feedback from previous courses includes:      

Assertive Communications:      

“The trainer was excellent and delivered the content in a comprehensive, understandable way.”      

Emotions and Resilience:      

“The trainer was fantastic and made a point to consider individual people's points of view and facilitated group discussions very well.”      

Making the most of PDR:      

“Now I will feel confident when filling in the appropriate forms for my PDR, and rather than let my line manager do all the talking, I will certainly be able to contribute as I should to the meeting.”

Mandated Courses for All

The following online courses are mandatory for all staff:

Mandated courses by role